
Silver Jubilee 2011
We are pleased to announce that a complete set of Lumiere Press books - from our inaugural Edward Weston publication of 1986 to our newest title on Eduard Steichen - has been acquired by The Department of Special Collections at St. Andrews University in Scotland. The 600 year old institution - the "third oldest university in the English-speaking world" - is home to a collection of more than 700,000 photographs, described as an "unsurpassed primary source in the early history of photography". In a wonderful temporal alignment, this acquisition marks the 25th Anniversary of the press, making our new presence in this prestigious collection all the more celebratory. (Pictured above: King James Library.)

May 2011
It is an ongoing source of gratification that so many curators, critics, art historians and cultural reporters have found in the publications of Lumiere Press a rich repository for their research. Over the years inquiries have come in from locales as disparate as Qatar and Montreal, Arizona and Italy, and extracts from our books have appeared in the popular media, as well as in books from publishers such as Steidl and the University of Toronto Press. The recently published exhibition catalogue, The Hidden Presence of Places (Farnsworth Art Museum, Rockland, Maine) is the most recent example, in which extensive passages from our 2008 title, Paul Caponigro: On Prior Lane: A Firefly's Light, are embedded in a constructed soliloquy, further disseminating our work.
July 2, 2010
The Future of the Book and its potential transmogrification into a dominantly digital and "E-Ink" medium has become a hot topic not only in technological and merchandizing orbits but also in the realm of social anthropology. Globe and Mail arts journalist James Adams examines the book as object in an article entitled, "The Future of Books: The Collectible Future". In this piece, the work of Lumiere Press is spotlighted as an example of book making that is irreducible and therefore highly sought and escalating in value. As Adams characterizes it, "Lumiere's reputation is such that its titles have become 'must-gets' for many institutions and art connoisseurs." Read article here.

May 2010
Paul Caponigro: On Prior Lane: A Firefly's Light, has been selected as one of the "50 Books of the Year" by The American Institute of Graphic Arts. Founded in 1914 by luminaries in the world of design, the AIGA established the "50 Books" competition in 1941. This venerable award has become the acme of graphic design excellence. The winning books will be exhibited at the AIGA National Design Center in New York followed by a tour which will include venues throughout the United States as well as China.

January 2010
Michael Torosian has been awarded a Chalmers Arts Fellowship. As characterized by the Ontario Arts Council, the cultural agency entrusted with administering the award, the aim of the Fellowship is "to provide such support at moments in artists’ careers when a concentration on personal and/or artistic growth or renewal and exploration is most likely to have the greatest impact on their long-term artistic and career development." Michael Torosian's CV can be viewed here.

December 18, 2009
LENS: Photography, Video and Visual Journalism, a unique component of the online edition of The New York Times, ingeniously exploits the site’s capability of presenting more image content than was ever feasible in the print edition of the paper. A case in point a feature article on Lumiere Press and Paul Caponigro: On Prior Lane: A Firefly’s Light. Almost all the pictures from the book were reproduced in a high-resolution slide show. And an additional 3 pictures were interwoven into journalist Niko Koppel’s story about the evolution of Lumiere Press and the affinity between fine press aesthetics and Caponigro’s work. Thanks to the conjoining of global media, the article also appears in the online edition of The International Herald Tribune with a lead-in declaring, “the book, like the photographs, is a work of art.” Go to article.

October 2009
Parenthesis, The Journal of the Fine Press Book Association, presented a Lumiere Press double-header in their Autumn 2009 issue with articles on both An American Gallery and Paul Caponigro: On Prior Lane: A Firefly's Light. Reviewer David Evans examined An American Gallery in the context of Modernism, printmaking and the digital age as he delineated Howard Greenberg's aesthetic journey and the book's celebration of photography. In Evans' summation, "Lyle Rexer's biographical essay is concise and captivating ... the reproductions of the images are spectacular ... the design is sumptuous ... the whole thing is deliciously entertaining." Read David Evans review. The second contribution to the issue was Michael Torosian's chronicle of the design of the Caponigro book, a synthesis of the casebook of a specific project integrated into a meditation on the revelations of 25 years of artistic preoccupation. Read the essay.

June 29, 2009
The Alcuin Society hosted their annual Book Design Awards Dinner at the Arts and Letters Club, a Victorian/Gothic wonderment in downtown Toronto, with Randall Speller as emcee and Martin Levin as the awards presenter. Keynote speaker of the evening was Michael Torosian. The subject of the talk was ostensibly the design of Paul Caponigro: On Prior Lane: A Firefly's Light, with excursions into fine press methodology and Lumiere Press lore. The capacity audience was buoyant and receptive. Everyone also had the opportunity to examine the award winning titles which had been artfully displayed for the event.

April 15, 2009
The narrative of Lumiere Press and the making of limited-edition books was the subject of a lecture by Michael Torosian at The Photographic Historical Society of Canada. The photo above, courtesy of PHSC member Steve Horan, depicts apres-lecture conversation and viewing of the new award-winning Paul Caponigro book On Prior Lane: A Firefly's Light.
March 24, 2009
An impromptu launch of our newest title, Paul Caponigro: On Prior Lane: A Firefly's Light, took place at the Park Avenue Armory in New York. The Andrew Smith Gallery of Santa Fe, New Mexico, debuted the book at the annual AIPAD Photography Show with Paul Caponigro in attendance, surrounded by an installation devoted exclusively to his work.
August 2008
Lumiere Press has been honoured with a Certificate of Excellence from The Printing Industries of America for An American Gallery. The award was shared with C.J. Graphics, Printers and Lithographers, who executed the superlative five-colour stochastic offset work on the book. With over "four-thousand entries", the PIA characterized the 59th Annual Premier Print Awards as "the world's largest and most prestigious graphic arts competition."

June, 2008
The 26th Annual Alcuin Society Awards for Excellence in Book Design were announced, honouring An American Gallery with a Citation in the Limited Edition category. Gratifyingly, the jurors found the book "masterfully designed" and noted the "high level of craftsmanship."
May 17, 2008
Simon Houpt, New York arts and entertainment correspondent for the Globe and Mail, took time out from his perch on mass culture to interview Michael Torosian about An American Gallery, the esoteric world of fine printing and life in the obsessive compulsive lane of hand book making. read article

March 2008
The Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art at the State University of New York at New Paltz hosts the exhibition An American Gallery, a reconstitution of the Greenberg Gallery Anniversary show including the Lumiere Press installation. The exhibition runs March 28 to June 22.

February 2008
The genesis and conceptualization of An American Gallery is explored in an inverview with Michael Torosian in Amphora, the journal of the Alcuin Society. Renowned for their advancement of the book arts, the Alcuin Society is host to an annual design competition which has honoured a number of Lumiere Press titles. read interview

November 2007
Lumiere Press was shuttered for the annual trip to Paris. The city was as intoxicating as always with one of the highlights being Paris Photo at the Carrousel du Louvre. The Howard Greenberg Gallery was an exhibitor and had An American Gallery on display for the delectation of the throng that coursed through the fair.

September 20, 2007
After a year and a half of work, Lumiere Press' most ambitious project to date debuted in New York City. An American Gallery was launched amid the exuberant celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Howard Greenberg Gallery. The commemorative exhibition presented the prints from the book accompanied by Greenberg's commentaries and Michael Torosian's introduction. An installation entitled Lumiere Press: The Making of the Book, showcased the book and the production in a short video. Befitting the regard with which Howard is held, the gallery was packed. Vince Aletti, writing in The New Yorker called it "an engrossing show - a self-portrait of a dedicated aesthete."
September 16, 2006
Canadian Art Magazine sponsored their 11th Annual Gallery Hop with lectures across the city of Toronto. Michael Torosian spoke at the Stephen Bulger Gallery on the work of Dave Heath, the subject of three Lumiere Press titles.

June 2006
Yale University Press' The Art of Frederick Sommer continues to garner acclaim. Recipient of the Maine Photographic Workshops “Golden Light Award” as “Book of the Year”, it has now been honoured by the Art Libraries Society of North America with a George Wittenborn Memorial Book Award. Michael Torosian's contribution, derived from our Lumiere Press book The Constellations That Surround Us was recognized with the above citation.
February 2006
David Evans reviews Dave Heath: Korea for Parenthesis: The Journal of the Fine Press Book Association. In an expansive essay, Evans thoughfully appraises the book and empathetically charts the journey of the artist. His summation - "The images are simple and unpretentious, but their impact is unforgettable. The book is light and modest in its scope and physical dimensions but vast in its human implications because it carries the weight of personal history." read review
November 2005
Lumiere Press is showcased in Richard Pitnick's Black & White Magazine feature article on book collecting. In addition to assessing the press' place in the publishing firmament, a generous pictorial spread chronicles the making of books at the press and presents highlights from our title list.
October 2005
Dave Heath: Korea travels to Germany for two exhibitions: Book Art International at the Frankfurt Book Fair and Best Book Design From All Over the World, at the Leipzig Book Fair. Upon completion of the exhibitions, Korea will enter the collection of the German Book and Type Museum, German National Library, Leipzig.
June 25, 2005
The Barry Singer Gallery, in verdant Petaluma, California, hosted a launch and exhibition for Dave Heath: Korea. Michael Torosian travelled out to the famed Sonoma County wine region for a gallery talk.
June 2005
The career of legendary art dealer Av Isaacs was celebrated in four simultaneous exhibitions spread out across Toronto. Lumiere Press' 1989 book Toronto Suite, a history of The Isaacs Gallery, was displayed in the exhibition at University of Toronto's Justina M. Barnicke Gallery along with portraits of the artists by Michael Torosian. The entire text of Toronto Suite has been republished in the new book Isaacs Seen. A companion show of photographs by Michael Torosian was also installed at the Stephen Bulger Gallery. (Pictured above: Michael Snow, 1988)
April 9, 2005
The world of Lumiere Press was evocatively captured for a segment of Arts & Minds, the weekly arts magazine show on Bravo! television.
April 2005
For the second year in a row, Lumiere Press has been awarded First Prize for limited-edition book design by the Alcuin Society for our book Korea. The jury's assessment - "Korea combines both old and new technologies to great effect. This production pays close attention to every detail, from the typesetting and the photographic reproduction to page proportions and binding."
April 2005
To mark the centennial of the birth of Frederick Sommer, the Sommer Foundation and Yale University Press have published The Art of Frederick Sommer: Photography, Drawing, Collage. Michael Torosian's Lumiere Press interview with Sommer from our 1992 book The Constellations That Surround Us, is reprinted in its entirety as one of the principal contributions of this ambitious survey of a master's work.
March 2, 2005
The international Chinese television program, Timeline Magazine, broadcast across Canada and in Hong Kong, featured a segment on Lumiere Press. (Pictured above: a still from the program showing Michael Torosian whose philosophizing is translated into Cantonese.)
February 18, 2005
Vince Aletti reviews Korea for the Village Voice. In article entitled Soulful Photographs from the Front Lines, appraises Korea as "an exceptionally handsome limited-edition book."
February 12, 2005
The Howard Greenberg Gallery, New York, launches Korea accompanied by a selection of images from the book.

January 26, 2005
Peter Goddard profiles Lumiere Press for the Toronto Star in You Can Judge a Book By Its Typeface. (Above: David Cooper's portrait of the Laird of Lumiere Press surrounded by the exotic tools of the trade.)
July15, 2004
Korea is launched at the Bulger Gallery in Toronto.
May 2004
Lumiere Press is honoured with First Prize for limited-edition book design from the Alcuin Society. The jurors evaluation, "...elegant case binding, beautifully toned paper, flawless letterpress."
January 2003
Residual Landscapes, our book on the photography of Edward Burtynsky, is now out-of-print. However, the editorial heart of the book lives on in Manufactured Landscapes, the new National Gallery of Canada catalogue co-published with Yale University Press. Michael Torosian's Lumiere Press interview has been republished and expanded for this edition.
May 2002
The riveting saga of the acquisition and rehabilitation of the Lumiere Press Vandercook Universal III was chronicled in an article in the letterpress journal, The Printer. To read this heart-felt composition, click on the following link, A Printer's Tale.
April 2002
Lumiere Press is the recipient of an Alcuin Society Citation for excellence in limited edition book design for Residual Landscapes. The judges' evaluations read, in part, "The paper, boards and linen cover were very effectively presented and matched the contents perfectly. The letterpressed type was handled with special care. A beautiful presentation."
January 25, 2002
Edward Burtynsky 's new representation by the Charles Cowles Gallery was inaugurated with a commanding one-man exhibition drawn from a broad range of Ed's work. The occasion was also the New York debut of Residual Landscapes. Charles Cowles hosted a splendid evening and the celebration was marked by the issuing of a special variant edition of Residual Landscapes exclusively for the Cowles Gallery. (Above: Ed and Charlie at the apres opening party at Bottino's in New York.)

April 2001
A Dialogue With Solitude was reviewed in Black & White Magazine by Leland Rice. The article pays tribute to Heath as photographer and printmaker, and succinctly characterizes the signficance of the book - "A Dialogue With Solitude became a landmark publication in the sixties, a revelation as a total book concept. Now, after being long out of print, this new Lumiere Press edition represents the rebirth of a classic."
April 21, 2001
Residual Landscapes was launched at the Mira Godard Gallery in Toronto accompanying the opening of Edward Burtynsky's newest exhibition Shipbreaking. Ed's presence in the world of art was further enhanced by simultaneous shows in London and San Francisco, as well as a profile published May 19th, 2001 in Saturday Night Magazine, entitled Residual Landscapes.

February 1, 2001
A Dialogue With Solitude had its New York launch at the Howard Greenberg Gallery on February 1st, 2001 accompanied by an exhibition of Dave Heath's photography running from January 26th to March 3rd, 2001. The gallery was packed with collectors and well-wishers. (Above: Dave Heath signs book while Howard Greenberg looks on.)
December 7, 2000
A Dialogue With Solitude was launched at the Stephen Bulger Gallery in Toronto on the evening of December 7th, 2000. The launch was preceded by an exhibition entitled "Dave Heath: 1940s to 1960s" which was shown from February 26 to March 25, 2000.