Michael Torosian: Curriculum Vitae

Selected One-Man Exhibitions

Printer Savant: Lumiere Press & the Art of the Photo Book. Howard Greenberg Gallery, New York

The Lumiere Press Archives: Photography and the Fine Press. Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto

Lead and Light: The Evolution of Lumiere Press. Ryerson Image Centre, Toronto

Toronto Suite. Stephen Bulger Gallery, Toronto

Michael Torosian: Selected Photographs 1973 - 1998. Stephen Bulger Gallery, Toronto

Anatomy. Simon Lowinsky Gallery, New York
Toronto Suite. Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography, Ottawa
Anatomy. Carleton University Art Gallery, Ottawa
Toronto Suite. Art Gallery of Peterborough

Anatomy. Sable-Castelli Gallery, Toronto

Aurora. Sable-Castelli Gallery, Toronto

Anatomy. The Isaacs Gallery, Toronto

Toronto Suite. Americas Society, New York
Toronto Suite. Macdonald Stewart Art Centre, Guelph

Toronto Suite. The Isaacs Gallery, Toronto

Aurora. Marcuse Pfeifer Gallery, New York
Aurora. Latitude 53 Gallery, Edmonton
Aurora. Toronto Image Works Gallery, Toronto

Aurora. Justina M. Barnicke Gallery, Hart House, University of Toronto

Michael Torosian: Photographs 1974 - 1984. Art Gallery of York University, Toronto

Aurora. The Burton Gallery, Toronto

Sanctuary. National Film Board Gallery, Ottawa
Sanctuary. University of Oregon, Eugene

A Manual Alphabet. Greater Victoria Public Library, British Columbia

Sanctuary. Photographic Arts Gallery, Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, Toronto
A Manual Alphabet. Kelowna Art Gallery, British Columbia

Nocturne. Photographic Arts Gallery, Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, Toronto

Nocturne. National Film Board Gallery, Ottawa
Nocturne. Cafe La Barge Gallery, Toronto

A Manual Alphabet. Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa
A Manual Alphabet. National Film Board Gallery, Ottawa

Installation at the Stephen Bulger Gallery, Toronto of the exhibition
"Michael Torosian: Selected Photographs 1973-1998

Selected Group Exhibitions

Labour of Love: Selections from Some Small Canadian Presses. National Gallery of Canada, Library and Archives, Ottawa.

Best Book Design From All Over the World (The Ballad of Soames Bantry), Frankfurt and Leipzig Book Fairs

Celebrating Twenty Years, Stephen Bulger Gallery, Toronto
Dave Heath (Korea, A Dialogue With Solitude), Howard Greenberg Gallery, New York

Best Photobooks of the Year (Black Star), Biblioteca Nacional de España, Madrid
Alcuin Society Awards For Excellence in Book Design in Canada (Black Star), National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa

Best Book Design From All Over the World (Eduard et Voulangis), Frankfurt and Leipzig Book Fairs

Alcuin Society Awards For Excellence in Book Design in Canada (Eduard et Voulangis), E.H. Norman Library, Canadian Embassy, Tokyo

AIGA 50 Books/50 Covers (Paul Caponigro: On Prior Lane: A Firefly’s Light), American Institute of Graphic Arts National Design Center, New York
Best Book Design From All Over the World (Paul Caponigro: On Prior Lane: A Firefly’s Light), Frankfurt and Leipzig Book Fairs

Alcuin Society Awards For Excellence in Book Design in Canada (Paul Caponigro: On Prior Lane: A Firefly’s Light), Design Exchange, Toronto
Best Book Design From All Over the World (An American Gallery), Frankfurt and Leipzig Book Fairs

Alcuin Society Awards For Excellence in Book Design in Canada (An American Gallery), toured:
- Redpath Library, McGill University, Montreal
- Emily Carr University of Art and Design, Vancouver
The Public Stage: Selected Street Photographs from the Mira Godard Study Centre, School of Image Arts, Ryerson University, Ryerson Gallery, Toronto
An American Gallery, Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art, State University of New York, New Paltz
Sketches in Black and White: Photographic Portraits from the Permanent Collection, Museum London, London, Ontario

25 Years: A Celebration, Howard Greenberg Gallery, New York

Best Book Design From All Over the World (Dave Heath: Korea), Frankfurt and Leipzig Book Fairs
A Collected View: Ten Years of Photography Acquisitions: 1995 – 2005, City of Toronto Archives,
From Fair to Fine: 20th Century Photography Books That Matter, Stephen Daiter Gallery, Chicago
Photo Libris, Howard Greenberg Gallery, New York

Regarding Av, The Justina M. Barnicke Gallery, Hart House, University of Toronto
Alcuin Society Awards For Excellence in Book Design in Canada (Dave Heath: Korea), Redpath Library, McGill University, Montreal

NOW and The 80s: A Photographic Exhibition, Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto

Arts 2000, Gallery Stratford, Stratford, Ontario
From the Collection: Personalities, Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography,Ottawa

Art of the Flanêrie: A Glance Back at Canadian Street Photography, Kenderdine Gallery, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon

From the Collection, Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography, Ottawa
Contemporary Canadian Bookworks, The Gallery of the Canadian Embassy, Tokyo
Fine Printing: The Private Press in Canada, Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto

The Michael Snow Project, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto
The Witkin Gallery 25th Anniversary, The Witkin Gallery, New York

Facing History: Portraits from the National Archives of Canada, National Archives of Canada, Ottawa
Art of the Book ’93 (Homage: The Lumiere Press Collection), Ontario Craft Council Gallery, Toronto, toured:
- Manitoba Archives, Winnipeg
- Killam Library, Dalhousie University, Halifax
- Canadian Craft Museum, Vancouver
- National Library of Canada, Ottawa
- Stewart Hall Art Gallery, Pointe Claire

Small Villages: The Isaacs Gallery in Toronto, 1956 - 1991, Art Gallery of Hamilton

AIGA Book Show (Aaron Siskind: The Siskind Variations and Paul Strand: Orgeval), American Institute of Graphic Arts, New York

Photoperspectives ’88, Presentation House Gallery, Vancouver
AIGA Book Show (The Ninth Street Show), American Institute of Graphic Arts, New York
Fotografia Canadiense Contemporanea, Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil, Mexico City - toured:
- Tijuana Cultural Center, Tijuana
- University of Veracruz, Xalapa
- Fototeca de Cuba, Havana

Alternatives ’87, Ohio University School of Art, Athens
AIGA Book Show (Edward Weston: Dedicated to Simplicity), American Institute of Graphic Arts, New York

Commitment to Vision, Museum of Art, University of Oregon, Eugene
The 1985 Annual Show, Maine Photographic Workshops, The Puck Building, New York

Contemporary Canadian Photography from the Collection of the National Film Board, organized by the National Film Board, toured:
- Edmonton Art Gallery
- Winnipeg Art Gallery
- National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa
- Dalhousie Art Gallery, Halifax
- Art Gallery of Hamilton
- Musée du Québec

Latitudes and Parallels, Winnipeg Art Gallery, toured:
- MacDonald Stewart Art Centre, Guelph
- Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon
- Beaverbrook Art Gallery, Fredericton
- Glenbow Museums, Calgary

Canadians, Mount St. Vincent University, Halifax, toured:
- Memorial University Art Gallery, St. John’s
- Canada House Gallery, London, England
- Saidye Bronfman Centre, Montreal
- Norman MacKenzie Art Gallery, Regina

Exposure, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, toured:
- New Brunswick Museum, St. John
- Owens Art Gallery, Sackville
- Saidye Bronfman Centre, Montreal
- Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg
- Glenbow-Alberta Institute, Calgary
- Edmonton Art Gallery


Chronological Entries/By Michael Torosian


Lumiere Press: Printer Savant & Other Stories. Toronto and New York: Lumiere Press, 2022.

Dave Heath: Dialogues with Solitudes. Essay by Francesco Zanot. Interview by Michael Torosian. Exh. cat. Gottingen: Steidl; Paris: Le Bal, 2018.

The Ballad of Soames Bantry: And Other Stories from the Fabled Life and New York Years of Photographer, Painter, and Poet, Saul Leiter. Michael Torosian, et. al. Toronto: Lumiere Press; New York: Howard Greenberg Gallery, 2017.

Multitude, Solitude: The Photographs of Dave Heath. Essays by Keith F. Davis and Michael Torosian. Exh. cat. Kansas City: Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, 2015.

Black Star: The Ryerson University Historical Print Collection of the Black Star Publishing Company. Essay by Michael Torosian. Introduction by Peter Higdon. Toronto: Lumiere Press, 2013.

Steichen: Eduard et Voulangis: The Early Modernist Period: 1915-1923. Essay by Michael Torosian. Introduction by Howard Greenberg. Toronto: Lumiere Press; New York: Howard Greenberg Gallery, 2011.

Paul Caponigro: On Prior Lane: A Firefly’s Light: The Cushing Interviews. Edited with an introduction by Michael Torosian. Toronto: Lumiere Press; La Jolla: Joseph Bellows Gallery, 2008.

An American Gallery. Essay by Lyle Rexer. Commentaries by Howard Greenberg. Edited with an introduction by Michael Torosian. Toronto: Lumiere Press; New York: Howard Greenberg Gallery, 2007.

Isaacs Seen. Donnalu Wigmore, ed. Essay: “The Meeting Place” by Dennis Reid and Michael Torosian. Exh. cat. Toronto: Hart House, University of Toronto, 2005.

The Art of Frederick Sommer: Photography, Drawing, Collage. Essay by Keith F. Davis. Interview by Michael Torosian. Prescott: Frederick and Frances Sommer Foundation, 2005.

Dave Heath: Korea: Photographs 1953-1954: Fiftieth Anniversary Portfolio. Introduction and interview by Michael Torosian. Toronto: Lumiere Press, 2004.

Manufactured Landscapes : The Photography of Edward Burtynsky. Essays by Lori Pauli, et al. Interview by Michael Torosian. Exh. cat. Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada in association with Yale University Press, 2003.

Edward Burtynsky: Residual Landscapes: Studies of Industrial Transfiguration. Interview by Michael Torosian. Toronto: Lumiere Press, 2001.

Gordon Parks: Harlem: The Artist’s Annotations on a City Revisited in Two Classic Photographic Essays. Introduction and interview by Michael Torosian. Toronto: Lumiere Press, 1997.

Dave Heath: A Dialogue with Solitude. Exh. cat. New York: Simon Lowinsky Gallery, 1997.

Lewis Hine Ellis Island: Memories and Meditations of Walter Rosenblum on the Life and Work of an American Artist. Edited with an introduction by Michael Torosian. Toronto: Lumiere Press, 1995.

Anatomy. Introduction by Michael Bell. Exh. cat. Ottawa: Carleton University Art Gallery, 1994.

Anatomy. Toronto: Lumiere Press, 1993.

Frederick Sommer: The Constellations That Surround Us: The Conjunction of General Aesthetics
and Poetic Logic in an Artist’s Life.
Surveyed and edited by Michael Torosian. Toronto:
Lumiere Press, 1992.

Homage: The Lumiere Press Collection. Series editor, Michael Torosian. Toronto: Lumiere Press, 1991. [Boxed set of Homage series, vols. I-V].

The Siskind Variations: A Quartet of Photographs and Contemplations by Aaron Siskind. Orchestrated and edited by Michael Torosian. Toronto: Lumiere Press, 1990.

Rafael Goldchain: Nostalgia for an Unknown Land. Introduction by Alberto Manguel. Essay by Michael Torosian. Toronto: Lumiere Press, 1989.

Toronto Suite. Photographs and interview by Michael Torosian. Historical commentary by Dennis Reid. Toronto: Lumiere Press, 1989.

Extempore: David Heath: Reflections and Ruminations on Art and Personal History. Elicited and edited by Michael Torosian. Toronto: Lumiere Press, 1988.

Aurora. Essay by Shirley J. Madill. Interview by Carol Lowrey. Toronto: Lumiere Press; New York: Marcuse Pfeifer Gallery, 1987.

Michel Lambeth: The Confessions of a Tree Taster. Preface by Michael Torosian. Toronto: Lumiere Press, 1987.

Michel Lambeth: Photographer. Exh. cat. Ottawa: National Photography Collection, Public Archives of Canada, 1986.

Lunarglyphics. Toronto: Lumiere Press, 1981.

Signature 3: Michael Torosian: Nocturne. Ottawa: National Film Board, 1977; also published as Impressions, No. 17 (1977).


“Design Casebook: Lumiere Press.” Parenthesis 17 (Autumn 2009): 34-37.

“A Printer’s Tale.” The Printer 16 (April 2002): 7, 10.

“Diane Arbus Exposed.” Azure 16 (September/October 2000): 38.

“Walker Evans.” Azure 16 (May/June 2000): 100.

“View Master.” Azure 15 (November/December 1999): 14.

“3, 2, 1 Contact.” Azure 15 (May/June 1999): 22.

“Electra.” Descant 103 (Winter 1998): [189]-[198].

“The Poetic Vision of Michel Lambeth.” Azure 14 (November/December 1998): 15.

“Mr. B.” The Printer 11 (March 1997): 11.

“Printer Savant.” Descant 90 (Fall 1995): 49-54, reprinted in The Printer 10 (February 1996): 6-[7].

“Galatea and Pygmalion.” Descant 83 (Winter 1993-94): 125-41.

“Marey’s Starring Role in Developing Film.” Globe and Mail, 21 August 1993.

“Exhibit for the Defense: The Selling of Robert Mapplethorpe.” Globe and Mail, 28 November 1992.

“A Glassful of Life, Art and Cold Beer.” Globe and Mail, 21 November 1992.

“Anatomy.” Descant 76/7 (Spring/Summer 1992): [171]-[89].

Snead, Vivian and Torosian, Michael. “Michel Lambeth: Documentary Humanism.” Camera Canada, No. 71 (Spring 1987): 18-21.

“Aurora.” Descant 49 (Summer 1985): [35]-[51].

“The Fifties Focus.” Toronto Life (June 1981): 58-62, 64.

“Thinking of Hippolyte.” Photo Communique 2 (May/June/July/August 1980): 2-4.

“Sanctuary.” Descant 29 (1980): [8]-[25].

“Memento Mori.” Photo Communique 1 (November/December 1979): 15.

“Newsbreak: The Controversy Continues.” Photo Communique 1 (September/October 1979): 1-2.

“Collecting Photographs.” Financial Post Magazine (10 February 1979): 9.


Anatomy. [Limited edition, ten photographs] Toronto: Lumiere Press, 1993.

Toronto Suite. [Limited edition, twenty-four photographs] Toronto: Lumiere Press, 1989.

Aurora. [Limited edition, ten photographs] Toronto: Lumiere Press, 1988.

The Reflection of Existence: A Selection of Fifteen Photographs by Michel Lambeth. Edited by Michael Torosian. Toronto: Lumiere Press, 1982.

Portfolio 1976. [Limited edition, ten photographs from the exhibition Sanctuary] Toronto: Privately printed, 1976.

Chronological Entries/ On Michael Torosian


Bassnett, Sarah and Parsons, Sarah. Photography in Canada, 1839 - 1989: An Illustrated History. Toronto: Art Canada Institute, 2023, 361.

40th Alcuin Society Awards for Excellence in Book Design in Canada 2022. Vancouver: Alcuin Society, 2023, 36-37.

36st Alcuin Society Awards for Excellence in Book Design in Canada. Vancouver: Alcuin Society, 2018, 72.

31st Alcuin Society Awards for Excellence in Book Design in Canada. Vancouver: Alcuin Society, 2014, 18, 20.

Green, Daryl. "Complete Collection of Works from the Lumiere Press." In 600 Years of Book Collecting: Issue 6 - Arts. St. Andrews, Scotland: University of St. Andrews, University Library, 2013, 10-11.

Lead and Light: The Evolution of Lumiere Press. Exh. brochure. Toronto: Ryerson Image Centre, Ryerson University, 2013.

Saunders, Cathie Ruggie and Chiplis, Martha. For the Love of Letterpress: A Printing Handbook for Instructors & Students. London: Bloomsbury, 2013, 17.

The Alcuin Society Awards for Excellence in Book Design in Canada. Vancouver: Alcuin Society, 2012, 17.

Langford, Martha. "A Short History of Photography, 1900 - 2010." In The Visual Arts in Canada: The Twentieth Century, edited by Anne Whitelaw, Brian Foss, and Sandra Paikowsky. Don Mills, Ont.: Oxford University Press, 2010, 285.

AIGA 50 Books 50 Covers of 2009. New York: AIGA, 2010, 20.

The Alcuin Society 2008 Awards for Excellence in Book Design in Canada. Vancouver: Alcuin Society, 2008, 23.

The Alcuin Society 2007 Awards for Excellence in Book Design in Canada. Vancouver: Alcuin Society, 2007, 26.

From Fair to Fine: 20th Century Photography Books That Matter. Chicago: Stephen Daiter Gallery, 2006.

The Alcuin Society 2004 Awards for Excellence in Book Design in Canada. Vancouver: Alcuin Society, 2005, 8.

The Alcuin Society 2003 Awards for Excellence in Book Design in Canada. Vancouver: Alcuin Society, 2004, 14.

Silversides, Brock. Now and the ‘80s. Exh. cat. Toronto: Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto, 2004, [38].

The Alcuin Society: 20th Annual Awards for Excellence in Book Design in Canada: 2001. Vancouver: Alcuin Society, 2002, 44.

The Alcuin Citations: 1998. Vancouver: Alcuin Society, 1998, 39.

Fine Printing: The Private Press in Canada. Exh. cat. Toronto: Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild, 1995, 44-46.

Graphic Design USA: 16 The Annual of the American Institute of Graphic Arts. New York: Watson-Guptill, 1995, 306.

The Art of the Book ’93. Exh. cat. Toronto: Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild, 1993, 109.

Foy, Lydia. Facing History: Portraits from the National Archives of Canada. Exh. cat. Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 1993, 139.

Graphic Design USA: 12 The Annual of the American Institute of Graphic Arts. New York: Watson-Guptill, 1991, 199, 211.

Horsenstein, Henry. The Photographer’s Source. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1989, 198-199.

Graphic Design USA: 9 The Annual of the American Institute of Graphic Arts. New York: Watson-Guptill, 1988, 179.

Langford, Martha. “Michael Torosian.” In Contemporary Photographers. Chicago: St. James Press, 1988, 1043-45.

Graphic Design USA: 8 The Annual of the American Institute of Graphic Arts. New York: Watson-Guptill, 1987, 182.

Commitment to Vision. Exh. cat. Eugene: Photography at Oregon Gallery, Museum of Art, University of Oregon, 1986, 33.

The Maine Photographic Workshops Nineteen Eighty Five Annual Show. Exh. cat. Rockport: Maine Photographic Workshops, 1985, 19.

Contemporary Canadian Photography from the Collection of the National Film Board. Exh. cat. Edmonton: Hurtig, 1984, 60.

Latitudes and Parallels. Exh. cat. Winnipeg: Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1983, 98-99.

Exposure. Exh. cat. Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario, 1975, 46-47.


Levere, Jane. “New York Exhibition Celebrates Leading Photographers With Fine Art Books.” Forbes, 31 July 2024. https://www.forbes.com/sites/janelevere/2024/07/31/works-by-and-books-about-leading-photographers-on-display-in-new-york/

Heller, Steven. “The Daily Heller: Shedding Some Light on Lumiere Press.” PRINT, 25 July 2024. https://www.printmag.com/daily-heller/the-daily-heller-shedding-some-light-on-lumiere-press/

Wiener, Max. “Printer Savant: Lumiere Press and the Art of the Photo Book | Howard Greenberg Gallery.” Musée Magazine, 2 July 2024. https://museemagazine.com/culture/2024/7/1/printer-savant-lumiere-press-and-the-art-of-the-photo-book-howard-greenberg-gallery/

Shoesmith, John. "The Telling of Their Own Tales: The Canadian Private Press." The Halcyon, No. 72 (December 2023): 5-7.

Taylor, Kate. “Michael Torosian of Lumiere Press Reflects on Thirty-Five Years as a 'Printer Savant'.” Globe and Mail, 22 July 2023.

Micallef, Shawn. "Library Bears Witness to City's Struggles." Toronto Star, 17 July 2023.

Micallef, Shawn. "Last Link to Publishing's Storied Past Closes." Toronto Star, 22 August 2020.

Gryski, Chester. "An Archive of Influences: Michael Torosian's Lumiere Press: Photography Meets Fine Press." Amphora, No. 184 (Spring 2020): 5-13.

Bromberg, Leora. "Lumiere Press Collection." The Halcyon, No. 64 (December 2019): 21-22.

Rose, Amy. "Distinctly Canadian: Golden Dog Press to Lumiere Press." National Gallery of Canada Magazine, 6 March 2019.

Wheeler, Brad. "One For the Books." Globe and Mail, 7 April 2018.

Smart, Tom. "The Aesthetics of Simplicity." Amphora, No. 173 (Summer 2016): 3-8.

Micallef, Shawn. "The Art of Bookmaking at Lumiere Press." Toronto Star, 17 October 2015.

Adams, James. "Not Sure What to See at the Contact Photography Festival? Here are our Experts's Top Picks." Globe and Mail, 30 April 2014.

Braganza, Chantal. “Crafting It Old School.” Ryerson University Magazine (Winter 2014): 23-25.

Picklyk, Doug. “In Search of the Perfect Book.” Designedge Canada 1 (November/December 2013): 28-[33].

“Binding Energy.” Art & Antiques (Summer 2013): 28-29.

Adlhoch, Kristen. “Lumiere Press.” Parenthesis 24 (Spring 2013): 24-27.

Rhodes, Richard. “From Work Shed to Garage.” Canadian Art 28 (Winter 2012): 144.

Kennedy, Carolyn. “The Book Maker.” International Architecture and Design 15 (Spring 2012): 68-73.

Estrin, James. “A New Trove From an Old Master.” The New York Times, 15 February 2012.

Adams, James. “A Work of Art About An Artist’s Work.” Globe and Mail, 14 December 2011.

Adams, James. “The Future of Books: The Collectible Future.” Globe and Mail, 2 July 2010.

Koppel, Niko. “Showcase: Channeling Caponigro.” The New York Times, 18 December 2009.

Carter, Robert. “Toronto Notes.” Photographic Canadiana 35 (September/October 2009): 4.

Houpt, Simon. “A 21st Century Gutenberg.” Globe and Mail, 17 May 2008.

Schechter, Fran. “Gallery Goods.” Now, 1-7 May 2008.

Milroy, Rollin. “Transcendent Craftsmanship.” Amphora, No. 148 (February 2008): 10-11.

Pitnik, Richard. “On Collecting Photography Books.” Black & White Magazine 7 (December 2005): 40-43.

Goddard, Peter. “You Can Judge a Book by Its Typeface.” Toronto Star, 22 January 2005; reprinted in The Printer 18 (February 2005): 11.

Dykstra, Jean. “Michael Torosian: Doing Things the Old-Fashioned Way.” Photograph Collector 25 (11 February 2004): 2-4.

Speer, Lance. “Why You Know What You Think You Know: Independent Photography Book Publishers.” 21st, The Journal of Contemporary Photography, Volume II (1999): 151-55.

Bonenfant, John. “Michael Torosian: Interview.” Descant 103 (Winter 1998): 199-202.

Mumford, Ted. “When Obsession Goes Against the Grain.” Now, 2-8 April 1998.

Schonauer, David. “The Traditional Values of Torosian.” American Photo 7 (January/February 1996): 96.

Newman, Alex. “Turning Back the Pages.” Azure 12 (May/June 1995): 24-26.

Roseborough, Everett. “Lumiere Press.” Photographic Canadiana 21 (May/June 1995): 6-8.

Taylor, Kate. “Visual Arts Review.” Globe and Mail, 30 March 1994.

Baele, Nancy. “Powerful Photographs Convey Sensitive Images at Heart of Being Human.” Ottawa Citizen, 28 February 1994.

Mays, John Bentley. “Anatomy of a Successful Nude.” Globe and Mail, 29 December 1993.

Taylor, Kate. “Art About.” Globe and Mail, 16 October 1992.

Ross, Val. “Being True to Type.” Globe and Mail, 30 December 1991; reprinted in The Printer 6 (January 1992): 6.

Vincent, Isabel. “Art Notes.” Globe and Mail, 21 July 1990.

Taylor, Kate. “Low-Tech Love: Michael Torosian’s Passion for Obsolete Printing Equipment and Beautiful Books.” Applied Arts 5 (Spring 1990): 59-60, 62.

Goin, Peter. “The Fine Art of Fine Printing.” Bloomsbury Review 9 (November/December 1989): 22.

Hlynsky, David. “Breathless Between Pages: Lumiere’s Latest Edition.” Views 6 (November 1989) 9.

Reeves, John. “Lightness of Being.” Canadian Art 6 (September 1989): 94-97.

“The Photo Review National Photographic Competition 1989.” The Photo Review 12 (Summer 1989): [14].

“The Photo Review National Photographic Competition 1988.” The Photo Review 11 (Summer 1988): [10].

Morrison, Emily. “Michael Torosian: Unlimited Vistas for a Limited Edition Press.” Light Impressions Review, No. 19 (Winter 1987): 5-7, 13.

Hickey, Gloria. “Toronto Image Works – Indeed!” Azure 4 (June 1987): 11.

Lowrey, C.D. “Michael Torosian, Aurora: A Conversation with C.D. Lowrey, June 1985.” Descant 49 (Summer 1985): 55-58.

Moldofsky, Mitch. “In Review.” Art Post 3 (August/September 1985): 11-12.

Hollet, Michael. “Michael Torosian.” Now, 14-20 March 1985.

Sanderson, Vicky. “Two Angles on Photography: Paired Shots, Pared Portraits.” Globe and Mail, 20 October 1981.

Eglinton, Judith. "Exposure." Ottawa Citizen, 3 January 1976.

Purdie, James. “Photos Reach Outward in AGO Exhibit.” Globe and Mail, 3 November 1975.

Kritzwizer, Kay. “The Photographer Blooms as an Artist.” Globe and Mail, 29 January 1975.

Lambeth, Michel. “Michael Torosian.” Proof Only, 22 February 1974.

Reviews of Lumiere Press Titles

Aletti, Vince. "Photo Books." Photograph 16 (September - October 2018): 50-51.

Heiferman, Marvin. “Black Star Shines Anew.” The New York Times, 15 June 2013.

Henkin, Lauren. “Steichen: Eduard et Voulangis.” Parenthesis 23 (Autumn 2012): 46-48.

Pitnick, Richard. “Rare Steichen Revealed.” B & W + Color Magazine (June 2012): 10.

Grove, Ánxel. “Salen a la luz las fotos inéditas de los años de retiro y reinvención del maestro Edward Steichen.” 20minutos, 22 February 2012.

Evans, David. “An American Gallery.” Parenthesis 17 (Autumn 2009): 49-51.

Evans, David. “Lumiere Press.” Parenthesis 11 (Autumn 2005): 41-43.

Aletti, Vince. “War and Peace: Soulful Photographs from the Front Lines.” Village Voice, 18 February 2005.

Rice, Leland. “A Dialogue with Solitude.” Black and White Magazine 12 (April 2001): 54, 56.

Aletti, Vince. “Lust for Life.” Village Voice, 20 February 2001.

Television/Film/Web Media

Beale, Nigel. "Michael Torosian (Part II) on How to Interview an Artist for a Book." The Biblio File (Podcast), 24 December 2022, https://thebibliofile.ca/michael-torosian-on-how-to-interview-an-artist.

Beale, Nigel. "Michael Torosian on Photography and Making Fine Press Photography Books." The Biblio File (Podcast), 19 December 2022, https://thebibliofile.ca/michael-torosian-on-photography-making-fine-press-photography-books.

Beale, Nigel. "Michael Torosian on his Lumiere Press." The Biblio File (Podcast), 12 November 2018, http://www.thebibliofile.ca/michael-torosian-on-his-lumiere-press.

"Epilogue: The Future of Print." April 2012. Hanah Ryu Chung, director.

"Lumiere Press." Timeline Magazine. Fairchild Television. 2 March 2005. Arlene Tang, producer.

"Lumiere Press." Arts & Minds. Bravo! 9 April 2005. Christina Teixeira, producer.

Additional Photographs in Published Sources

Milroy, Sarah, ed. Gathie Falk: Revelations. Exh. cat. Kleinberg: McMichael Canadian Art Collection, 2022, [back cover].

Taylor, Kate. “Versatile Artist Was Known for his Complex, Haunting Boxes.” Globe and Mail, 5 February 2022.

Mulhallen, Karen. Seasons in an Unknown Key. Toronto: Tightrope Books, 2017, [back cover].

"The Proust Questionnaire: Michael Snow." NGC Magazine, 8 April 2014.

Sloan, Johanne. Joyce Wieland: Life and Work. Toronto: Art Canada Institute, 2014, 11.

Csillag, Ron. “Musical Maverick Pushed Sound Barriers.” Globe and Mail, 10 February 2014.

Downey, Donn. “John Meredith: Intensity Highlighted Painter’s Work.” Globe and Mail, 16 September 2000.

Mulhallen, Karen, ed. Paper Guitar. Toronto: HarperCollins, 1995, [453].

Brehman Freedom: A Bourgeois Tragedy by Rainer Werner Fassbinder. Toronto: Graduate Centre for Study of Drama, University of Toronto, 1994, [3], [10], [13].

Canada Year Book 1994. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 1993, 646.

Genereaux, Linda. “A Conversation with Avrom Isaacs.” M5V Magazine 1 (1991): 45.

John Meredith: A Retrospective. Exh. cat. Toronto: Kaspar Gallery, 1991, [2].

“Robert Markle.” Art Post 39 (Winter 1990/91): 4.

Coughtry, Graham. “Robert Markle.” Canadian Art 7 (September 1990): 112.

Wagner, Wit. “Quarterly Reports.” Toronto Star, 28 July 1990.

Mulhallen, Karen. Modern Love. Windsor, Ont.: Black Moss Press, 1990, [back cover].

Urquhart, Tony and Dault, Gary Michael. Cells of Ourselves. Erin, Ont.: Porcupine’s Quill, 1989, 95.

Eliot, T. S. Preludes. Toronto: Lumiere Press, 1987, [7].


Alcuin Society Robert R. Reid Medal for Lifetime Achievement in the Book Arts in Canada


The Alcuin Society Citation (Limited Edition Book Design) Lumiere Press: Printer Savant & Other Stories

The Alcuin Society Citation (First Prize, Limited Edition Book Design) The Ballad of Soames Bantry
PrintAction Canadian Printing Awards - (Gold Award, Book Production) - The Ballad of Soames Bantry

The Alcuin Society Citation (First Prize, Limited Edition Book Design) Black Star

The Alcuin Society Citation (First Prize, Limited Edition Book Design) Steichen: Eduard et Voulangis

American Institute of Graphic Arts "50 Books of the Year", Paul Caponigro: On Prior Lane: A Firefly's Light

The Alcuin Society Citation (Limited Edition Book Design) Paul Caponigro: On Prior Lane: A Firefly's Light

Premier Print Award, Printing Industries of America Certificate of Excellence (Art Books) An American Gallery
The Alcuin Society Citation (Limited Edition Book Design) An American Gallery

George Wittenborn Memorial Book Award, Excellence in Art Publishing, The Art of Frederick Sommer

The Alcuin Society Citation (First Prize, Limited Edition Book Design) Korea

The Alcuin Society Citation (Limited Edition Book Design) Residual Landscapes

The Alcuin Society Citation (Limited Edition Book Design) Gordon Parks: Harlem

The Alcuin Society Citation (Limited Edition Book Design) The Witkin Gallery 25
American Institute of Graphic Arts "50 Books of the Year" The Witkin Gallery 25

The Alcuin Society Citation (First Prize, Limited Edition Book Design) Anatomy

American Institute of Graphic Arts Certificate of Excellence, Orgeval; The Siskind Variations

The Alcuin Society Citation (Limited Edition Book Design) Nostalgia for An Unknown Land; Toronto Suite

The Photo Review National Photography Competition (Award)

The Photo Review National Photography Competition (Award)
American Institute of Graphic Arts Certificate of Excellence, The Ninth Street Show

American Institute of Graphic Arts Certificate of Excellence, Dedicated to Simplicity


Yosef Wosk Foundation Publication Grant

Ontario Arts Council (Book Arts)

Canada Council (Research and Creation)
Ontario Arts Council (Book Arts)

Canada Council (Concept and Realization)
Ontario Arts Council (Book Arts)
Yosef Wosk Foundation Publication Grant

Canada Council (Book Arts)
Ontario Arts Council (Book Arts)

Ontario Arts Council (Book Arts)

Canada Council (Book Arts)
Chalmers Arts Fellowship
Ryerson Image Center Research Fellowship

Ontario Arts Council (Book Arts)

Ontario Arts Council (Book Arts)

Ontario Arts Council (Book Arts)

Canada Council (Book Arts)
Chalmers Arts Fellowship
Ontario Arts Council (Book Arts)

Canada Council (Book Arts)
Ontario Arts Council (Book Arts)

Ontario Arts Council (Book Arts)

Ontario Arts Council (Book Arts)

Ontario Arts Council (Book Arts)

Ontario Arts Council (Book Arts)

Ontario Arts Council (Book Arts)

Canada Council (Book Arts)
Ontario Arts Council (Book Arts)

Canada Council (Book Arts)

Ontario Arts Council (Book Arts)

Ontario Arts Council (Book Arts)

Ontario Arts Council (Book Arts)

Ontario Arts Council (Travel Grant)
Toronto Arts Council (Research/Development Awards to Writers)

Ontario Arts Council (Exhibition Assistance)

Ontario Arts Council (Exhibition Assistance)

Ontario Arts Council (Exhibition Assistance)

Ontario Arts Council (Photography)

Ontario Arts Council (Photography)

Canada Council (Photography)

Ontario Arts Council (Photography)

Ontario Arts Council (Photography)

Canada Council (Photography)

Canada Council (Photography)
Ontario Arts Council (Photography)

Photographs in Public Collections

Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario

Art Gallery of Hamilton, Ontario

Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto

Canada Council Art Bank

Carleton University Art Gallery, Ottawa

Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa

Museum London, London, Ontario

National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa

Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri

New York Public Library, The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs

Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto

Toronto Metropolitan University Image Centre

University of California, Los Angeles, Charles E. Young Library, Special Collections

University of Oregon, Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, Eugene

University of Nevada, Reno, Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center, Special Collections

Winnipeg Art Gallery


Born, Fort Erie, Ontario, 1952

Curated, Michel Lambeth: Photographer, Public Archives of Canada, 1986

Alcuin Society Design Awards Lecture, The Arts and Letters Club, Toronto, June 29, 2009

Johanna and Leon Katz Memorial Lecture, Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto, February 17, 2016

Represented by The Stephen Bulger Gallery, Toronto

Go to list of Lumiere Press Books in Public Collections